Tech Briefs is the #1 Publication for OEM Design Engineers and Managers
Engineers turn to us for new design ideas and solutions to their toughest manufacturing challenges. Published 12x annually, each issue spans innovations in electronics, software, robotics, and much more.
Here’s why you should partner with Tech Briefs:
- Editorial Content — We publish 3x more articles per issue than any other design engineering publication. Tech Briefs is filled with breakthrough ideas tested in the world’s premier R&D labs.
- Circulation — Largest-circulation engineering magazine, unmatched reach to design engineers and 100% qualified buyers.
- Decision-Making and Purchasing Power — Tech Briefs targets engineers at the front end of the design process, when critical decisions are made on specs and vendors. 100% have product specifying authority.
- Cross-Discipline Coverage — Tech Briefs provides a mechatronics approach to design content that is directly aligned with how today’s design teams are structured.
- Extended Reach — Tech Briefs has a total readership of more than 400,000.
Here’s what our readers are saying about Tech Briefs:
“Helps me stay updated on latest innovations and forward-thinking ideas.”
“Explanations of cutting-edge technologies and links to further information/contact provide an excellent resource for future project planning and explaining science to the public."
“Brings us new and innovative news that we don't find in other trade mags. Very useful and helped us solve some research problems.”
“Keeps me up to date on the latest products, technologies, and developments.”
“Tech Briefs is a great way to keep up with developing technologies."
Source: Signet Research Inc., March 2022 Reader Profile Report